martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Mezze Maniche Ripiene

Mezze Maniche Ripiene

Mezze Maniche Ripiene

300 g. half sleeves of a monk (a special type of macaroni, homemade, and then dried)
200 g. of beef stew
100 g. grated Parmesan cheese
60 g. breadcrumbs
the egg white of an egg
a liter and a half of meat broth.


Cut a piece of about two ounces from beef stew, pass it through the mincer and wet breadcrumbs into the sauce of overcooked. Blanch the breadcrumbs into the sauce of stewed; add the grated cheese and mix well together. Fill half sleeves with it and close the openings with egg white egg to prevent the release of the filling. Cook the short sleeves in a large saucepan and low where You will have covered with broth.
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