martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Routes in Val Trebbia - Bobbio

Visit to Bobbio

Routes in Val Trebbia - Bobbio
Bobbio is certainly one of the historic centers of tourist interest of Piacenza.
Among the major monuments stands the Old Bridge, also called "Hunchback" or "devil", 280 meters long and 11 arches unequal between them.
Entering the village coming from Piacenza, left, meets the Shrine of Our Lady of Help, built in the seventeenth century on the previous building. Inside is a fresco of the XV-XVI century depicting the Madonna with Child considered miraculous that gives its name to the church.
Entering the Via Garibaldi and turning right Via del Pozzo, you reach Piazza S. Fara, which overlooks one of the most significant religious buildings in the province: the Bobbio Abbey.
Rebuilt in the fifteenth century, interesting frescoes and mosaics although the entire complex, which once provided multiple services, today was a little distorted because now houses the local school. Attached is its museum which is accessed through the fourteenth century loggia.
In its four rooms contains interesting artistic finds, including an ivory casket of the fourth century AD depicting Orpheus taming wild beasts, relics of the Holy Land, the remains of Roman colonization, altarpieces of the Renaissance performed by Luni, Fields, Lanzani well as items that belonged to St. Columban.
The basilica, a Latin cross, is home to the central vault of the choir a fresco of late seventeenth century, depicting the glory and miracles of St. Columban.
Fine the wooden Choir realized by Domenico da Piacenza in 1488. In the underground crypt, beyond the wrought iron gate of the twelfth century, a precious mosaic floor in the same period representing Stories of the Maccabees, the months and the works. Here are also preserved the tombs of St. Columban, Attala and Bertulfo, the first three abbots of the monastery.
Even the Cathedral, rebuilt in the Renaissance and Baroque collects inside good works of art, as well as the Bishop of the fourteenth or fifteenth century, and the numerous noble palaces, including the Palazzo Brugnatelli.

Important also the castle erected by Corradino Malspina Malalspina beginning of the fifteenth century, and the quaint old town with narrow streets.
Finally, just outside the central core of the country, you can see the Convent of San Francesco, built in the thirteenth century and ended in the Napoleonic era.
Well preserved is the cloister with fourteenth century fresco depicting the crucifixion in the ancient refectory.

The landscape is characterized by the Apennine mountains that outline the view and, above all, affect climate giving coolness in summer and protecting the country from winds and fog in winter.
Mountains alternate fertile fields of pasture and forests where many animals find refuge and where they develop many plant varieties.
Human settlements, except in the capital alive and dynamic, are rare and survive, scattered here and there, buildings in stones and pebbles that testify a mountain civilization which is not at all disappeared but that, indeed, remains tied to the high Trebbia and I passed on the ancient traditions.
Driving along the road 45 of Trebbia towards Piacenza you get to 'Ravine Barberino on Trebbia, in Mezzano Scotti and then Perino from where you can reach the characteristic Stone Parcellara or the narrow and beautiful Val Perino, with the ancient villages of garlic and Pradovera and the ruined castle of Erbia.
With the same state, but heading for Genova, we get to San Salvatore, where the Trebbia draws characteristic meanders, dominated from above from the town of Brugnello, with the church overlooking the river.
A few kilometers you are in Marsaglia, where the Trebbia receives its greatest tributary: the Aveto.
Along the road to Varzi, twelve kilometers from Bobbio there is Footstep Penice, to 1145 mt. altitude, climatic health resort and winter sports, on whose summit, at 1464 m., is an ancient shrine and there are radio and television repeaters.
On the opposite bank of the Trebbia, about ten kilometers from Bobbio, are Coli, at 638 meters, hidden in the mountains straddling the Trebbia and Nure, with its picturesque pine forests and the nearby Mount Aserei, 1432 mt high ., with the characteristic pastures.
In San Martino, a short distance from Bobbio, there are the thermal baths with sulphurous waters sauces for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, skin, gynecological diseases, rheumatism and other.
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