martedì 22 ottobre 2024

Villages of Piacenza valleys: Coli

ideal for walking and hiking

Villages of Piacenza valleys: Coli
In medieval times it was a fief of the family before Nicelli, then the Visconti and later of the Dal Verme.
And 'only from 1923 Piacenza area, until then was annexed to the province of Pavia.
Housed until recently the only youth hostel in the province, much frequented by many young Italians and foreigners, today, however, unfortunately closed.
The area still maggiormante frequented is the fraction of Perino, halfway between Bobbio and Travo, which registered a strong growth of residential tourism.
Vast pastures for excellent cheeses and beefs are the sources of the country's economy, in addition to viticulture which produces the acclaimed Trebbianino Doc.
The hikes lead to the Oratory of St. Augustine, 1000 meters between pine forests and crystal water springs or hair of the Sella General, and to the right to go down to the Monte Aserei Mareto or Pradovera, on the slopes of Mount Osero, then in Farini Nure.
Departing from Perino towards Bettola, cross the Passo del Cerro.
Some possibilities for hikers: from Perino to Monte Amelio, 900 meters, or the Stone Parcellara, 835 meters.
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