martedì 22 ottobre 2024

visit to Ferriere

Ferriere is the largest capital of the province of Piacenza with an area of ??180 sq km. And tells an ancient history and rich in events. Were the Ligurian, then exterminated by the Romans, the first inhabitants of the area, where they raised even some fort.
In the second century a.c. the mines were already in business. In a parchment of King Lombard Rachis, year 747, it is called Gambaro as an assembly of free men.

Domain of the Sforza, Duke of Milan, which give rise to the ironworks between Nure and Grondana, then move on to the principles of Doria Taro Valley, then to the Farnese who built on the ruins of a castle the seat of the ducal commissioner.
In 1721 four hundred workers work in the mines ducal. Land border with the Duchy of Genova, there blooms even smuggling to the steps of Crocilia and Mercatello.

With Napoleon the town is based in Gambaro and in 1806 the ferrieresi rebel, but the revolt was quelled by the French.
He returned to the town Ferriere, stands the town hall in 1961, demolished in 1981 because it undermined by water infiltration.

  • Ferriere
    visit to Ferriere in Nure
    It is'the largest capital of the province of Piacenza with an area of 180 sq km. In' High Nure and includes the eastern slope of the Val d'Aveto with the dam and hydroelectric power plant of Woods ...
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