martedì 22 ottobre 2024

San Giorgio Piacentino

visit to San Giorgio Piacentino

San Giorgio Piacentino
Visiting the beautiful Rocca, medieval style building surrounded by a beautiful fenced park, to continue with the castle, another very interesting building, built, apparently, towards the end of 1200 ...

The center, located at 12 km. from Piacenza, preserves, between the town and its surroundings, notable points of historical, artistic, religious.

The route to the discovery of San Giorgio Piacentino can start from the visit to the fortress, medieval style building is surrounded by a beautiful park fenced.
Can continue with the castle, very interesting structure, built, apparently, towards the end of 1200, although the ancient records would attribute to the canons piacentici, then around the tenth century, they took to the danger brought by the continuous Hungarian raids.
Also notable is Villa Gazzola, 1610, situated in a beautiful green park.

San Giorgio Piacentino, who now lives on a strong agricultural economy, contains in its territory includes interesting locations as Centovera, which preserves the original ancient fortress only a mighty tower called Tower of Anguissola or terrace.

Of particular note among the faithful Christians is San Damiano known place of pilgrimage, whose castle still shows the family crest Anguissola on the entrance door; Finally Viustino that preserves the ancient fortress theater of struggle between Guelphs and Ghibellines in 1373, the solid tower.
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