mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024

Giuseppe Recchia

Giuseppe Recchia was an Italian director

Giuseppe Recchia
Giuseppe Recchia (Pontefract, May 21, 1934 - Milan, June 8, 2007) was an Italian film director, best known by the diminutive of Beppe.
His television debut takes place in the RAI in 1960, where over the years he has worked with people such as Giorgio Gaber, Cochi and Renato, Franca Valeri, Sandra Mondaini, Pippo Baudo, Enzo Tortora and many others.
Great lover of modern television comedy, has worked with Roberto Benigni in Onda Libera in 1976.
He then moved into private television debut on Telebiella, later collaborated with TeleradioCity and, above all, with Telealtomilanese and Antenna 3, where he was director of many performances the varieties to Squizzofrenico, Better Owls than ever, I do not know but I know, the telegram, Auctions (with Ettore Andenna), O the all or nothing, the Prickly, the Parapiglio and, together with Cino Tortorella, the Bribe .

In 1984 Recchia, switches to Fininvest and directs Drive (1984-1986), who inaugurated the association with Antonio Ricci, which will result in more editions of Strip the news and 'its the paternita'di dozens of broadcasts great success, as Odiens (1988), Emilio (1989), Good Sunday (1991-1995), the Great Challenge (1992-1993), Seriously (1993), you know the latest? (1997), Hello Darwin (1998-2003), Man O Man (2000), La corrida (2002), Colorado Cafe Live (2006).

He died in Milan after a long illness the June 8, 2007.
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