venerdì 4 ottobre 2024

Illustrious Piacentini in History

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  • Luigi Illica
    A Castell'Arquato a residence
    Arquatese of birth, soon left the native country driven by his lively temperament ....
  • Maria Teresa
    famous empress had 16 children
    Successor to Charles VI, was never well-liked and suffered numerous armed attacks that did not prevent him, however, to consolidate its position ...
  • Maria Luigia
    ruled until his death in 1846
    Controversial are the feedback on the work of Marie Louise, wife of Napoleon, at least in the aspect sentimental ...
  • Don Filippo di Borbone
    his duchy began in 1749
    Committed to improving the economy of the duchy, died during a hunting party falling from a horse ...
  • Don Ferdinando di Borbone
    declared an adult at age 14
    Remembered as one of the best Dukes who here have followed for seeking the way to protect its population ...
  • Don Carlo di Borbone
    his reign began in 1732
    Had the responsibility to strip the Duchy of things of high value when he became king of Naples ...
  • Carlo V di Spagna
    Succeeded Pier Luigi Farnese
    Not well seen by the people of Piacenza, abdicated in favor of his son Philip II and retired to a convent ...
  • Antonio Farnese
    He married Henriette d'Este
    He loved the great amusement and for that returned with him in the Duchy the splendor of the Carnival ...
  • Alessandro Farnese
    Ottavio succeeded his father in 1586.
    In the historic center of Piacenza, in Piazza Cavalli, a statue remembers riding ...
  • History of the Duchy: Charles VI
    ruled only four years
    Belonging to the powerful house of Austria, his duchy was short duration, succeeded by his daughter Maria Teresa ...
  • Ranuccio Farnese II
    happened to Duke Odoardo
    Quite loved by the people, Ranuccio Farnese II ruled the Duchy during the war with Innocent X ...
  • Ranuccio Farnese
    In Piazza Cavalli his monument
    Had him arrested and executed the Marquis Gian Francesco Sanvitale with other noble because he held responsible for a conspiracy in him ...
  • Pier Luigi Farnese
    killed in a palace coup in 1547
    Very close to the people, he used to take long walksforcities, listened and conversed freely with all …
  • Paolo III
    Pope and the Duke of Parma and Piacenza
    The investiture ceremony at Duke took place in a bedroomcause attack of pellagra which struck him on the same day coronation .....
  • Ottavio Farnese
    remembered as a man proud and brave
    Well accepted by the subjects in his duchy began the construction of the Palazzo Farnese, on the will of his wife Margherita ...
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