mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024

Filippo Inzaghi

Filippo Inzaghi is a former football player

Filippo Inzaghi
Filippo Inzaghi, said Pippo (Piacenza, August 9, 1973), former Italian football player in the role of striker is now coach of AC Milan.
He was world champion and vice-champion of Europe with the Italian national team in 2000 and in 2006 and, at club level, European champion with Milan in 2003 and in 2007 and world champion ever in 2007, as well as Italian champion in 2004, 2011 and, with Juventus in 1998.

In the ranking of goals scored in UEFA club competition is the fourth installment in 70 networks behind Rau (77), Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi (71), and is the best Italian scorer in the Champions League with 50 goals scored.
Also, after two goals in the final of the World Cup for clubs made December 16, 2007 against the Boca Juniors, he became the first and so far only player to have scored in all international competitions for the club.
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