mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024
  • » City and Province of Piacenza

City and Province of Piacenza

  • San Giorgio Piacentino
    visit to San Giorgio Piacentino
    visiting the beautiful Rocca, medieval style building surrounded by a beautiful fenced park, to continue with the castle, another very interesting building, built, apparently, towards the end of 12...
  • Vigolzone
    visit to Vigolzone in Nure
    in stark contrast to its modern parish church of San Mario, built in 1966 by the will of the prelate Mario Nasalli Rocca, elliptical supported ..
  • Grazzano Visconti - a village "almost" old
    is among the most coveted stages of Piacenza area
    Dictionaries recite the word art: human activity based on the study on the technique and experience. From this arise cultural products that are the subject ...
  • Routes in Bettola - with Roberto Rossi
    Ebbio and towards the Passo del Cerro
    The territory of Bettola is among the largest in the province of Piacenza and is amongst the largest municipalities on the peninsula; let's find out in the company of Peter Mazzari, former commissi...
  • Routes in Bettola (2) - with Roberto Rossi
    in Rigolo, direction Prato Barbieri
    also called the "door of Nure", as it is located at the point where the valley narrows, where the hills begin to replace the mountains, Bettola is among the largest centers of Piacenza ...
  • Routes in Bettola - taken from Bell'Italia
    No. 213 of January 2004, updated 12.12.2009
    in Italy there are villages that no longer appear on the maps because there is no road never arrived. They are hidden in the folds of the mountains. Have endured for years the exodus of their inhab...
  • Piacenza to see: Basilica of St. Antonino
    with type planimetric time very rare
    the current structure, made naturally abstraction of subsequent interventions, is the result of a single site, identifiable with that funded by bishop Sigifredo in 1014 ...
  • Visit Piacentino: Castell'Arquato
    enchanting landscape Medieval
    beautiful village, today frequented and popular tourist destination with the historic center that rises to the top left of the Arda river, retaining ...
  • Visit Piacentino: Caorso
    beautiful Rocca now the Town Hall
    Is reached along the ancient Via Postojna, poplar plantations along the Po, which give way to "John" also called the "cathedral Atomic" and that is the ...
  • Park Montecucco
    with bike path that connects it to the city center
    from the historic city center, starting from Piazza dei Cavalli, is easily reached along the whole course Vittorio Emanuele, continuing by Genoa and finally Via Vittorio Veneto ...
  • Park Galleana
    green oasis close to the Stadio Garilli
    in the early years of the twentieth century, the area was destined to ammunition depots and laboratory loading bullets, active until the Second World War. He also had a tinderbox home devastated by...
  • Piacenza to see: Piazza Cavalli
    takes its name from the two equestrian statues in bronze
    once called Piazza Grande, owes its name to the two bronze equestrian statues that stand little Clear: from the front of the Town Hall, while the ancient and picturesque area overlooking buildings ...
  • Routes in Piacentino: Castell'Arquato
    also called land of towers
    among the most famous and most visited tourist area of the province of Piacenza, was called the Assisi of Emilia for its ...
  • History Piacenza: Caorso
    dialect "Cà Ursa" Casa dell'Orsa
    conflicting arguments about its origins, as some say, Orsa, sister of Bishop Piacenza Podone, with his sister Imelda, nell'819, he founded the Church of the equipping of 576 perches of land
  • Castell'Arquato: la Rocca Viscontea
    built in 1342
    among the most important historic buildings in the territory of Piacenza, in the square of Castell, in Val d'Arda, tourist destination level ..
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